Let the davids rise up
When I first visited Italy back in 2021, I was overcome by the heaviness of the spirit of religion around me. At that moment, a craving was planted in my heart to see Italy walking in intimacy with the Lord.
This southern part of Europe is often disregarded when it comes to global ministry. Being a highly developed and historically religious nation, it’s easily overlooked. It’s more common to hear about a spring break trip than a revival mission to Rome. Though physical needs there are not necessarily targeted, the pasta capital of the world, however, is in dire need of an awakened Church.
I was quite shocked to discover that Italy officially became a secular state and that 60% of the small cities don’t have any evangelical churches. While in Italy this time, I had the privilege to meet with both a pastor in Florence as well as a missionary in the Central region (whose information I will withhold for security reasons).
“They know the name of Jesus, yet they see Him as a statue on the wall more than a Savior,” said the missionary. In speaking with him, he confirmed my impression saying that it’s common for locals to be baptized as infants and go to confirmation when they are young but never really reach a relationship with Jesus. “They are culturally Catholic because their mother was, and her mother was, and her mother was, and so on,” he added. Similarly, the pastor I met with stated that most people who visit their church know the Gospel, but it’s new to them when they are asked to receive, respond, and go deeper. My heart burns for locals to meet Jesus in the intimacy He longs for.
I’ve been praying for God to show me how to reach people, and reaching the multitudes really does start with the individual. Italy is known for its very sociable and warm culture, and I can confirm this to be 1000% true. In my experience, locals love to talk, get to know you, and joke around with you, and I was baffled by how much they actually remember you when you pass by their shop days later. Their relational values are a direct representation of the inner heart’s desire for a relationship with their Father. “There’s such a joy in seeing people come to church and connect to Him in that way,” the pastor said.
I’ve always been fascinated by other languages and though it takes a lot of time and it’s rather unrealistic to learn every language that I want to, I decided to start learning how to both worship Jesus and talk about Him in other tongues. Because of this, I like to ask Christians I meet from other cultures for phrases to learn. When I asked the missionary, he surprised me by simply replying with “Buongiorno,” which means good morning. He told me “When you walk into a coffee shop or restaurant, greet your waiter or people around you. I believe those conversations that are sparked are similar to what Jesus was saying in Luke 10:5-6. Stay there, get to know them, and minister to them.” I found this to be so simple, yet so profound. We in America are focused on gathering bigger and bigger crowds, but spend less effort on building relationships. We’ve been so focused on attracting the multitudes that we’ve forgotten about reaching the individual. When I look at Jesus’ ministry here on earth, it was very personal and oftentimes private. Jesus spoke to the cry of each heart He encountered and the quality of our relational Father was revealed. But rather than emulating His love for the individual, we as the Church have a marketing objective of bigger and more.
I’ve been a bit bothered by the vast number of apparent callings to plant a church in America. Rather than building up the Church that exists, we have 10 on every block providing endless options to fit your theology, music, demographic, and aesthetic desires. The pastor I met with was part of a church planting team that stemmed from Hillsong London before they decided to return to Florence and plant a church where there wasn’t one. Competition and business-driven mindsets have resulted in a split body — something I’m afraid America may lead in. While it first has me burdened that there are less churches in other nations, I also find a greater desire and effort for unity among the ones I do come across.
A religious spirit guides a person to replace a genuine relationship with their Father with works and traditions. I have seen this spirit operating over all types of churches and Believers, including myself. Not only does it manifest in an attempt to earn salvation but also God’s love. Rather than a heart at rest through the knowledge and acceptance of the love of God, a heart becomes exhausted from striving. It wages war against the grace of God in a persons life. The religious spirit is out to imitate the work of the Holy Spirit in an effort to pervert God’s good and perfect gifts and cause destruction and division among the Body. It allows us to feel safe in our flesh because we are in control. It is the leaven of the Pharisees. But resting upon the Father’s intimacy and love transforms a persons heart and unveils the joy and freedom that comes from Him alone. The breakthrough those who are in ministry in Italy are seeing is purely a great move of the Holy Spirit that I pray continues to grow and spread over the entire nation.
“Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.’” Matthew 11:28-30
I’ve often heard that where you lack and where you crave is where God wants you to dive deep; we can only lead others to the places God has led us. Like the prophet Hosea, God oftentimes allows us to see and experience what we are called to speak about and lead in. Through people such as Moses, we are reminded that it is in our weakness that His strength prevails. If all of this is true for the individual, why not so for entire parts of the Body?
A few months ago, I began envisioning the global Church as a unified working body, and I became fascinated with thinking about where different parts of the world may operate in the Body. Italy is a hub spot for ancient beauty. Remembrance of the past spills over and decorates the entire nation. Recently, my heart cry has been for this to be a generation of Davids who remember who God is and what He’s done and I believe that what God is doing in Italy will lead them to the frontlines of that mission.
From Roman Empire to Medieval to Renaissance to modernity, Italy is deeply rich in history and art that God was and is not absent of. Art is deemed fascinating because of its ability to make us remember or feel connected to something. Whether it’s of the past, present, or perhaps entirely fictional, art in all forms is storytelling. Art in the truest form is worship, Presence, and proof of our Creator. It’s one of the most precious gifts God has given us; both to experience it and the ability to create it. I believe that what God gifted for us to glorify Him with will be used to return us to Him.
Over the past couple years, I have witnessed a massive Holy Spirit move in the arts and I truly believe God is raising up a generation of creators to reach a lost and starving world. Music, art, dance, theater, movies, books, and so on have been perverted and tainted by an enemy who is terrified of what could happen if they were used as they were intended to be. The enemy may have taken hold of entertainment for a time but He is using it to awaken dry bones. What was once the “Jewel of the Renaissance” will experience a revival that will connect a world to its Designer.
In Italy, the Holy Spirit is working to return people to the faith through a breaking of the spirit of religion and a breakthrough in intimacy. Their value for remembrance and relationship is being met by their relational Father. A craving and longing for their Savior was revealed so heavily to me and those who touch the robe of His nearness have the most beautiful way of clinging to it.
“Mercy opened up my eyes now I’m losing my religion to be loved like a child” / Maverick City Music, Real Thing.
Where His reputation has been falsely tainted, those who come to know Him can aid in restoring to the world the truth of who Jesus is. “Many who call themselves atheists aren’t actually once you talk to them. I’ve noticed a people greatly searching so they are receptive and open to the conversation here unlike many other places,” said the pastor. He is reachable. He is love. And His desire is for deep intimacy with you — His beloved child. When the people of Italy touch His robe, they come to know Jesus in the tenderness, nearness, accessibility, and glory that He is and always was. They not only lock eyes with their Father, but lead others into intimacy with Him as well. Something that has been so deeply lost here through religion is tightly grasped onto when found. Let the Davids rise up.
“Io mi ricordo dei giorni antichi; io medito tutti i tuoi fatti; io rifletto sull’opera delle tue mani.” Salmi 143:5
“I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all your works and consider what your hands have done.” Psalm 143:5
Prayer Requests:
- The church in Florence is currently meeting in an events center. Please pray that God would bless them with a physical building as they continue to grow and minister to their city.
- The divorce rate in central Italy is especially high. The Holy Spirit has been working through family reunifications, praise God! Please pray that God continues to reunite families and expand His Kingdom.
- Please pray against the power and strongholds of the spirit of religion and renounce every work of darkness connected with it. Please pray that the barriers between the people of Italy and God are broken and they meet Him in His sovereign grace, love, and intimacy.
- Pray for repentant hearts to respond to God’s mercy and for the Lord to reveal Himself in all of the nearness, tenderness, compassion, and glory that He is.
- Pray for the unification of the Church and for open doors in Italy for the Holy Spirit to move through to spread the message of Truth.
- Pray for a revival in the arts and that God continues to awaken creators and hearts of this generation to reach a lost and starving world.
- Pray for us be a generation of Davids that praises God in remembrance of what He’s done despite the evils around us.
- The missionary I met with explained to me that the evangelical church in Italy is very family oriented. “Family is one of the foundational aspects of this culture. When someone comes to the faith, families don’t necessarily turn their backs on them, but it does alienate them. In turn, the church fills that void.” Pray for the church in America and churches all across the world to adopt the relational and family value that the Italian church carries.
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