Strengths Finder Test – What gifts has God given you to impact the Kingdom?

November 16, 2017

Earlier this semester, I had to take a strengths finder test for one of my classes. Finding out the results of this test, I want to take what I learned about myself and value most, and apply it to my life. I’m going to record the results here to remind myself to daily allow God to strengthen and use them, but I encourage you to reflect on the ways God has designed you for His Kingdom.

The first strength I received was “connectedness.” Basically, what this means is to have the belief that everything happens for a reason, and that we are all connected and a part of something much greater. I feel like I have the responsibility to care for everyone, accept everyone, and give everyone the comfort they need to fulfill their purpose. My faith is what sustains me. A way to strengthen this gift to apply and use it in everyday life is by merely seeing each individual as so much more than just an individual. Every time I see a person, I want to be able to see their incredible worth. I want to look at each person as a child of God; someone that Jesus gave His life for. Someone with a purpose that God has already mapped out. But what good is it for me to know if they don’t know?

     The second strength was “developer.” This means seeing potential in others, having a goal of helping them be successful, and aspiring to see signs of growth in people. This person that I’m passing by right now is so incredibly important and loved, and they were specifically created with gifts and talents for a purpose here on Earth and God knows exactly what that is. And I know that. They are loved and they have a purpose to fulfill. I know that. And they don’t. It’s my duty to tell them. I’m the messenger, and so are you. That person you pass by today, God sent you to be a messenger for them. Are you going to pass by them, knowing how important their life and their worth are, and not tell them? 

     The next strength was “empathy.” Empathy gives me the ability to sense the feelings and emotions of those around me and feel them as my own.

“Give me your eyes for just one second. 

Give me your eyes so I can see, 

Everything that I keep missing,

Give me your love for humanity.

Give me your arms for the broken-hearted

The ones that are far beyond my reach.

Give me your heart for the ones forgotten.

Give me your eyes so I can see.” 

I want my heart to break for what breaks God’s heart.

     In relation to connectedness is an “includer.” It is so important for us all to orient our lives around including each and every person. God did not create us to have cliques. Instead, we are to have fellowship with one another and to help each other fulfill God’s purpose for us. The last strength was “futuristic.” Futuristic people are dreamers, constantly looking toward  future and how God will work in their life. 

     In no way are these all strengths that I have mastered, but I do believe that these are 5 things that God has gifted me with the heart and the desire to want to practice. These are 5 of the most important qualities and strengths to me, and because I am so passionate about living a life through them, I will work each day to strengthen them and allow them to shape and improve my everyday life. The strengths, qualities, and values that God has created you to be passionate about are the ones that you should work towards developing and growing, to enable you to use those strengths to advance His kingdom in the ways He created you to do. 

I’ve talked about myself here too much, but I think it’s important that we all reflect on the gifts God has given us. I mean, He gave you them for a reason, so figure out what yours are and how you can use them to live a life that is glorifying to Him. Learn your strengths and USE them. Learn your weaknesses and give them up to God. Reflect on yourself!! It’s okay to do sometimes.

Much Love, Em

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